Are you great in session with clients, but then go blank when it is time to complete documentation? Are you struggling with navigating your Simple Practice EHR system? Do you need insurance compliant forms? Services for Clinical Paperwork & Documentation
Are you tired of Affiliate agency billing fees and want a better billing option? Are you wanting a higher reimbursement rate from the insurance companies you are paneled, with but do not know how to go about writing this letter? Are you struggling to be assertive with your clients and enforcing missed fees and cancellation policies? Services for Increasing Your Income & Decreasing Your Stress
Are you wanting to have a Professional Will to protect yourself and your clients, but do not know what this entails and need support getting this done? Are you struggling with creating policies and consents and finding the right words to protect yourself without sounding rude? Are you struggling with something else related to your clinical/business role, such as having a Professional Will? Services for Clinical Consents & Must Haves